Ryu Parish (龍)



My name is Ryu, prounouced like kangaroo. I am a software engineer, currently doing my third internship at Amazon. I like software engineering and I post things on this blog sometimes thinking about engineering, sometimes thinking about my life.

I was previously a BS/MS student at the University of Washington, formerly leading a NLP-SE project at PLSE advised by René Just and mentored by Sam Kaufman. I am unfortunately no longer interested in academic achievements.

Before that, I was advised by Hannaneh Hajishirzi and mentored by Ellen Wu at the H2Lab and worked on a project about challenging language models to handle Mixed-Initiative Interactions. It was difficult but the things I learned were incredibly valuable and I am extremely thankful to have gotten to work with Ellen.

I transferred to the Paul G. Allen School of Computer Science and Engineering at the University of Washington from Tarrant County College in Fort Worth, Texas back in 2021 to pursue a BS in Computer Science.

My research interests are in Machine Learning for Code, especially in applying Large Language Models to Code Understanding.

Here is my CV.


Jan 15, 2024 Returning (again) to AWS as a Software Engineer Intern for Summer 2024!
Nov 1, 2022 Joined HuggingFace’s BigCode project
Oct 6, 2022 InSCIt is conditionally accepted into TACL!
Sep 18, 2022 Returning to AWS as a Software Engineer Intern for Summer 2023!
Jul 13, 2022 Joined the BS/MS program at the Allen School!
Jul 2, 2022 Finished my first nlp project in collaboration with Ellen Wu. Ellen is the best.
Mar 16, 2022 Police called on Black CS student, Hawa Drammeh
Nov 5, 2021 Began my first research project under Ellen Wu @ H2Lab.
Sep 25, 2021 Amazon SWE internship offer accepted! :sparkles: :smile:
Sep 16, 2021 Joined Google Research CSRMP Class of 2021 for Machine Perception. (now a Class B alumni)

selected publications

  1. MutantSelection
    Leveraging Language Models to Prioritize Mutants
    In Progress 2022
  2. InSCIt
    INSCIT: Information-Seeking Conversations with Mixed-Initiative Interactions
    Transactions of the ACL (conditional) 2022